We do not want Cardboard, Clothing, Fiberglass, Food, Glass, Paper, Plastic, Rubber, Tires, Wood, etc.
No oxygen, gas, propane or freon cylinders unless they are COMPLETELY drained AND the valves are removed/unscrewed & there is a vent hole.
The reason should be self explanatory
Plastic bodied are not paid for - we still accept and pay for stainless steel bodied dishwashers
we only purchase Lead Acid Batteries (car, forklift, mower, golf cart)
we will refuse them unless they are stripped of ALL interior non-metallics. call for details.
We will check your load for the above before accepting
Please remember prices are subject to change as market conditions change. Prices may change without notice.
Some photography courtesy of Mark Gormus (markgormus.com)
Copyright © 2022 Atlantic Iron & Metal - All Rights Reserved.